Current and future activities
- Wahlpflichtmodul “Psychologie in der Beratung” in the Bachelor programme of the ‘Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit’ (University of Applied Labour Studies) in Mannheim/Schwerin, Germany
- Module 06: “Ziele, Mittel & Methoden der Beratung“ (in collaboration with Bernd-Joachim Ertelt) in the Master programme of the ‘Hochschule der Bundesagentur für Arbeit’ (University of Applied Labour Studies) in Mannheim, Germany
Past activities
11.2024 Communication at the IAEVG conference ‘Riding the Wave of Change’ in Jyväskylä, Finland
10.2024 Lecture on Labour Market Aspects and career Guidance Counselling in Luxembourg as part of the module ‘Selected Aspects of Labour Market Management in an International Context’
10.2024 Lectures in the context of the ‘Wahlpflichtmodul: “Führen gute Denkstrategien zu besseren Entscheidungen?”‘ (B.A.) at the HdBA, Mannheim and Schwerin
09.2024 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘ (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling) at the HdBA, Schwerin
06.2024 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘ (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling) at the HdBA, Schwerin
05.2024 Lectures in the context of the ‘Wahlpflichtmodul: “Führen gute Denkstrategien zu besseren Entscheidungen?”‘ (B.A.) at the HdBA, Mannheim and Schwerin
06.2023 Participation at the IAEVG Board meeting during the IAEVG conference ‘Life long Development as a standard’ in The Hague, The Netherlands
10.2021 Academia in Luxembourg 2021 (study visit by EU counsellors)
10.2021 Communication at the IAEVG conference ‘Maximizing Potential of Career Guidance’ in Riga, Latvia
06.2021 Academia+ Presentation on Counselling and Social Justice
01.2021 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘ (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling) at the HdBA
10.2020 Academia+ National Report into Future Jobs in Luxembourg
08.2020 Academia+ National Report into Demographic Change in Luxembourg
05.2020 Academia+ Online Presentation on Migrants and Refugees
01.2020 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
01.2020 Numerous Erasmus+ project ‘Academia+ Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies’ online meetings
10.2019 Second Erasmus+ project ‘Academia+ Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies’ meeting in Porto, Portugal
09.2019 Communication at the IAEVG conference ‘Career guidance for an inclusive society’ in Bratislava, Slovakia
08.2019 Participation on behalf of the IAEVG board in the closing conference of the Erasmus+ project CMinaR „Counselling for Refugee and Migrant Integration into the Labour Market – Development of Courses for Higher Education and Public Employment Services“ in Berlin
06.2019 Participation in the ICCDPP International Symposium ‘Leading career development services into an uncertain future: Ensuring access, integration and innovation’ in Tromsö, Norway
06.2019 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
04.2019 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
03.2019 First Erasmus+ project ‘Academia+ Counsellors’ Study and Training Exchange Programme for Key Challenges of European Labour Markets and Societies’ meeting in Schwerin, Germany
11.2018 Communication at the IAEVG conference ‘A Need for Change’ in Gothenburg, Sweden
11.2018 Two keynotes at the international conference ‘Lifelong career Guidance in a Local and Global Network‘ in Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
08.2018 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
06.2018 Keynote at the ONISEP seminar ‘Quels outils et démarches pour accompagner les transitions scolaires et professionnelles dans un monde en changement?’ in Paris, France
05.2018 Hosting a group of ACADEMIA counsellors in Luxembourg
02.2018 Participation in the ‘Fachtagung “Ethik in der Beratung’ at the HdBA in Mannheim, Germany
11.2017 Communication at the IAEVG conference ‘Educational and Professional Guidance to Build the Future’ in Mexico-City, Mexico
10.2017 Keynote at the international conference ‘Career Guidance in a Changing World‘ in Prague, Czech Republic
10.2017 Two communications at the international conference ‘Decent Work, Equity and Inclusion’ at the University of Padova, Italy
09.2017 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
08.2017 Lectures in the context of the ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
06.2017 Participation in the ICCDPP International Symposium ‘Career Development: At the Crossroads towards Relevance and Impact’ in Seoul, South Korea
05.2017 Hosting a group of ACADEMIA counsellors in Luxembourg
04.2017 Lectures in the context of the ‘Zertifikat “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung” ‘, (certificate in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
02.2017 Lectures in the context of the ‘Zertifikat “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung” ‘, (certificate in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
12.2016 ACADEMIA meeting in Gothenburg, Sweden
12.2016 Participation at the ‘Fachtagung “Flüchtlinge – Brücke in Arbeit und Beruf; Eine europäische Dimension” ‘ at the HdBA in Schwerin, Germany
11.2016 Keynote on “Work of the Future and Counseling for the Future” at the TUMKAF ’16 (Turkey Engineering Career Fair ’16) at the Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey
11.2016 Two communications at the IAEVG conference ‘Promoting Equity through Guidance and Counseling. Reflection, Action, Impact.’ in Madrid, Spain
09.2016 Lectures in the context of the new ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
07.2016 Lectures in the context of the new ‘Berufsbegleitender Masterstudiengang “Arbeitsmarktorientierte Beratung (M.A.)” ‘, (M.A. in Labour-Market Oriented Counselling)
04.2016 Hosting of a group of ACADEMIA counsellors in Luxembourg
03.2016 Erasmus+ project meeting ‘Detecting and Preventing Drop out from Higher Education or Supporting Students to Switch Successfully to VET’ in Plymouth, UK
03.2016 Participation in the training of German counsellors in the context of Erasmus+ project meeting ‘Detecting and Preventing Drop out from Higher Education or Supporting Students to Switch Successfully to VET’ in Nürtingen, Germany
02.2016 Two-day seminar in the context of the Certificate Programme in ‘Careers and Talent Management’ at the Istanbul Technical University, in Istanbul, Turkey
11.2015 Erasmus+ project meeting ‘Detecting and Preventing Drop out from Higher Education or Supporting Students to Switch Successfully to VET’ in Macerata, Italy
10.2015 Talk “To Be Mobile or Not to Be” at the ‘Internationaler Tag’ at the HdBA in Mannheim, Germany
09.2015 Three communications plus one poster at the IAEVG conference in Tsukuba, Japan
05.2015 Participation at the NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe) conference in Bratislava, Slovakia
04.2015 Erasmus+ project meeting ‘Detecting and Preventing Drop out from Higher Education or Supporting Students to Switch Successfully to VET’ in Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg
04.2015 Two-day seminar in the context of the Certificate Programme in ‘Careers and Talent Management’ at the Istanbul Technical University, in Istanbul, Turkey
03.2015 Hosting of a group of ACADEMIA counsellors in Luxembourg
02.2015 Three-day study visit by a group of Finnish counsellors to the AVOPP
02.2015 Two-day seminar in the context of the Certificate Programme in ‘Careers and Talent Management’ at the Istanbul Technical University, in Istanbul, Turkey
11.2014 Erasmus+ project meeting ‘Detecting and Preventing Drop out from Higher Education or Supporting Students to Switch Successfully to VET’ in Mannheim, Germany
11.2014 Talk on “Detecting and Preventing Drop out from Vocational Training” at the ‘Robert-Schuman Institut’ in Eupen, Belgium
10.2014 Talk “To Be or Not to Be Mobile” at the ‘Internationaler Tag’ at the HdBA in Mannheim, Germany
09.2014 Participation at the NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe) conference in Canterbury, UK
09.2014 Two communications at the ‘Association des conseillers d’orientation-psychologues de France conference’: “Temporalité, rythme et contretemps de l’orientation” in Strasbourg, France
06.2014 Three communications at the IAEVG conference in Québec, Canada
03.2014 Participation at a NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe) meeting in Bordeaux, France
02.2014 Meeting of the NICE (Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe) WP “Mobility” group in Brussels, Belgium
02.2014 Talk at the ‘2014 ITU Career Summit’ at the Istanbul Technical University, in Istanbul, Turkey
10.2013 Communication at the “Beratung als innovative Prävention von Ausbildungsabbrüchen” conference in Mannheim, Germany
09.2013 Communications at the IAEVG conference: “Career counselling: a human or a citizien’s right?” in Montpellier, France
06.2013 Communications at the International conference: “Life Designing and Career Counseling: Building Hope and Resilience” in Padova, Italy
04.2013 Communication at the Istanbul Technical University in Istanbul, Turkey
since 2013 Active participation in the EU-funded Erasmus project “Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe” (NICE2)
10.2012 Communication at the IAEVG conference: “Career Guidance for Social Justice, Prosperity and Sustainable Employment – Challenges for the 21st Century” in Mannheim, Germany
10.2011 Communications at the IAEVG conference: “International Career Development” in Cape Town, South Africa
11.2010 Communications at the International Congress to the 90th Anniversary of Vocational Guidance in the Czech Lands in Prague, Czech Republic
06.2010 Communication at the IAEVG conference: “Bridging International Perspectives in Career Development” in San Francisco, USA
2010-2013 Active participation in the EU-funded Leonardo da Vinci project “PraeLAB: Qualifizierung von Berufsbildungspersonal hinsichtlich der Identifikation und der Beratung von Auszubildenden mit hohem Abbruchrisiko”
06.2009 Communication at the IAEVG conference: “Coherence, Co-operation and Quality in Guidance and Counselling” in Jyväskyla, Finland
2009-2012 Active participation in the EU-funded Erasmus project “Network for Innovation in Career Guidance and Counselling in Europe” (NICE)
11.2008 Communication at the ‘Lycée franco-allemand’ in Buc, France
04.2008 Communication at the “Professionalisation of Career Guidance: European Mobility – Chance and Challenge” conference in Mannheim, Germany
2008-2010 Active participation in the EU-funded Leonardo da Vinci project “Brain Drain – Brain Gain”
09.2007 Communication at the IAEVG conference: “Guidance and Diversity” in Padova, Italy
09.2007 Communication at the IAEVG conference: “Quality Development in Vocational Counselling and Training” in Buenos Aires, Argentina
08.2006 Communication at the IAEVG conference: “Cross-over: Guidance in Transition” in Copenhagen, Denmark
09.2005 Communication at the IAEVG conference: “Careers in Context: New Challenges and Tasks for Guidance and Counselling” in Lisbon, Portugal
06.2005 Training conference at the College of North West London, London, UK